No course, book, degree, or amount of plant medicine can teach you what you WERE ALREADY BORN WIT BABY.

When I firsted started MBP I'd preach hard when I wrote about something I'd want to share on here.

I did it and I see it often with new online health buisnesses.

Fixated on the idea of telling others how to "heal themselves", turns me off.

Cause to tell someone they need to heal this to become better, is bullshit.

It doesn't work either, cause the meat of da sandwhich is just doing YOU (even if u vegan ight)

You already know exactly what ya need to do to become your best.

No course, book, degree, or amount of plant medicine can teach you what you WERE ALREADY BORN WIT BABY.

Sure, it might take some time for you to KNOW urself but that's all it is.

JUST DO THE THINGS you wanna do and do it knowing it's an honor to DO EM, not cause you "feel broken".

I wasted so much time hung up on the question of "what 's wrong with me?" & searching for answers, that I missed out on just being here wit me!!


Knowing me, from my perspetive, ya digg?

You're long-term investment, so don't throw out in fear of what you planted in faith, ride yo waves...

Dey YOU!

#mindbodyphysique #cannabisfitness #highandhealthy #selfconfidence #mentalhealth #balancedlife #nauture #fitness #cannabis #successful #abundant #prosperious #naturalhealth #selfsustainable #newyorkcity